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- Kuddfodral / Cushion covers / 60 x 60 cm
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- Kuddfodral / Cushion cover / Pale brown
Kuddfodral / Cushion cover / Pale brown
SEK 695.00
SEK 695.00
per item
Kuddfodral i ett vackert, lite oregelbundet blek-brunt tyg.
Det är 60 x 60 cm, vänligen observera att det säljs utan innerkudde - Ikeas fjäderkudde 65x65 cm är perfekt om du vill ha en "bullig" kudde.
Tvättas i 40 grader.
Tensira är ett fransk fair trade företag som kombinerar etniska mönster med fräscha skandinaviska ränder. Deras bomullstyger spinns, färgas och vävs för hand i deras workshops i Guinea.
1 available
Cushion cover in an beautiful, somewhat irregular pale-brown fabric.
It measures 60 x 60 cm, please observe that it is sold without inner cushion.
The fabric should be washed in 40 degrees.
Tensira is a fair trade company that combines ethnical patterns with fresh Scandinavian stripes. Their cotton fabric is spun, dyed and woven by hand in their workshops in Guinea.
It measures 60 x 60 cm, please observe that it is sold without inner cushion.
The fabric should be washed in 40 degrees.
Tensira is a fair trade company that combines ethnical patterns with fresh Scandinavian stripes. Their cotton fabric is spun, dyed and woven by hand in their workshops in Guinea.